среда, 29 февраля 2012 г.

Fed: ALP conference is a "festival of Kevin", Abbott says

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: ALP conference is a "festival of Kevin", Abbott says

SYDNEY, April 29 AAP - The ALP national conference has been a "festival of Kevin",
focused more on the Labor leader and less on producing practical policies, says federal
Health Minister Tony Abbott.

Labor concludes its three-day national conference in Sydney today where the ALP released
its anticipated workplace relations policy and voted to overturn its 25 year policy banning
new uranium mines.

But Mr Abbott said the conference seemed to be all about promoting Labor Leader Kevin Rudd.

"The ALP conference seemed to be one giant promotion of Kevin", Mr Abbott told reporters
in Sydney.

"They haven't quite got to the stage of erecting statues to Kevin - but judging by
what's been happening at this conference that's not far off."

"I think Kevin is at risk of coming seriously unstuck if he keeps on with this personality
cult of the type we have just seen this weekend."

Mr Abbott said the Labor Party had not released any details on how their industrial
relations and environmental policies would benefit Australia.

"The one thing that was totally absent in this festival of Kevin ... is any new practical
policies to explain how turning our workplace relations system upside down is going to
continue employment growth, or to explain how cutting greenhouse gases by 60 per cent
by 2050 can be done without wrecking the economy," he said.

"I don't think Kevin Rudd is a credible alternative prime minister until he actually
details how he can square these particular circles."

AAP acb/vpm/cjh/bwl


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