четверг, 23 февраля 2012 г.

Information communication technology law, protection, and access rights; global approaches and issues.(Brief article)(Book review)


Information communication technology law, protection, and access rights; global approaches and issues.

Ed. by Irene Maria Portela and Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha.

Information Science Reference


560 pages




Acknowledging that information communication technology constantly opens new doors to both opportunities and risks, this collection explores the need to integrate data protection and privacy from the very inception of new information and communication technologies. The 27 papers examine the legal challenges posed by intellectual property rights, conflict resolution in electronic commerce, and authentication of digital content, and propose new practices for data security, knowledge sharing, and collaborative processes. Topics include taxing virtual transactions, web access for seniors, blocking Internet access in Turkey, and privacy protection in passive network monitoring. The editors are affiliated with the Polytechnic Institute of Cavado and Ave in Portugal, and several of the contributors are academics in Spain and Portugal.

([c]2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR)

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