четверг, 15 марта 2012 г.


SEX LASTS: Couples over 60 may get more out of their lovemaking, astudy suggests. It says that more than 1 in 3 married couples inthat age group have sex at least once a week and 16 percent make loveseveral times a week. Moreover, the older couples talk to oneanother and play at romance more. Stories on Pages 1 and 28. SCHOOL BOARD BATTLE: Albert N. Logan, a member of the Chicago Boardof Education since 1990, criticized the School Finance Authority'sinterference with the board Tuesday and threatened to quit. "I amunwilling to be on a board that doesn't have authority to makedecisions," Logan said in a letter to Mayor Daley. Story on Page12. LONG LIFE STORY: Arthur Lang did more, …

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