пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

Technology update part of IU 13 move

Smart office practices cut paper, phone bills

At Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13, the motto is "Learningfor Life."

Learning and technology go hand-in-hand in the outlook of K. DavidWeidner, IU director of technology services. "I like to think oftechnology as being a tool - a support to the process of learning."

On Aug. 7, the IU will complete its relocation to Burle BusinessPark, 1020 New Holland Ave. The move will consolidate the work of 300employees now housed in buildings on Manheim Pike, Enterprise Roadand Commerce Drive. Along with the convenience of having allemployees in one building, the agency is excited about usingtechnology as a smart business practice.

While its main technology goals are meant to support teachingservices and improve student achievement, the agency also is lookingat taking a leading role in the community. To that end, the newfacility will employ Microsoft Exchange Server; a voice-over-Internet protocol, or VOIP; and new multifunction devices, or MFDs.

Although MFDs are not new in the business world, they are new tothe IU and its clients in Lancaster and Lebanon counties. Thesedevices integrate copier, fax and scanner functions into one machine.

Weidner said the goal is to cut printing costs by reducing thenumber of desktop computer printers, which have a much higher costper copy.

Print jobs will be sent to one of the building's several MFDs. Themachine will read a magnetic strip on the employee's ID card and logthe name and department, along with the number of copies. Thosecopies will be charged to that department.

It provides a way of tracking usage, something the IU could not dobefore.

"We're trying to model good uses of technology in general,"Weidner said, to act as a model for the 22 school districts served bythe IU.

Microsoft Exchange Server allows users to send and receivemessages through computer networks to employees and clients.

VOIP combines telephone, voice and data services with Internetaccess. It will mean savings for the IU, Weidner said, by eliminatingextra phone charges for calls out of the local calling area.

VOIP also will be an asset in developing distance learning andteaching programs. "I see an incredible amount of opportunity inglobal technology," Weidner said, in the form of video conferencingand Webcasting. The Burle facility will host a new conference centerdesigned to cater to such programs.

Through the new conference center, the IU will be able to offerteachers a greater range of learning opportunities. In many cases,programs held at the center will be videotaped and archived. Theywill be available as a Webcast to individuals unable to attend theoriginal seminar.

IU spokesperson Shannon Guthrie said finishing touches to theconference center are wrapping up. Tentative plans are to hold anopen house for the the public in mid- to late September.

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